“My first week in Solidarity Actions for Kids III project” – by Zeynep Erdogmus

Hello, I am Zeynep Erdoğmuş. I would like to start by saying that I am proud to take part in this project.

As someone who wanted this project very much, doing my first activity in kindergarten was like the first level for me. The time I spent with the children at the Neghinita center for 1 hour was both very exciting and very fun.  The first step to getting along well with young children is to open the door to their imagination and explore the fun there with them. I went to this center 2 times and it made me think about how our imagination diminishes as we grow up. Because I strongly believe that as I grow up, I will remain with the excitement of a child. And the total 2 hours I spent with them mesmerized me.

My second activity was a school for students with special needs. (Bradet ) We woke up quite early for this school and had an amazing 3-hour drive. On the way I didn’t realize that I was going to a really incredible place, I thought I was going to another realm where the seasons were intertwined. The school we went to was in the forest with a magnificent view. What about the children?

Yes, some people are born with some misfortunes in this life. Others of us live unhappy lives because we don’t appreciate what we have. This school has been a place where I questioned this distinction and my eyes filled with compassion. I feel lucky to be with them and life offers us all a path. This path is not always beautiful. You know this is the way life is. But thanks to those children, I learned that if we focus not on the difficulties of the road, but on how we can make the road beautiful, we can find ourselves and have a worthwhile life. Life is beautiful when we make it beautiful and touch hearts.

Thank you ACTOR Family…

More to come… 🙂

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