“Lacul Bucura”

This month we went for the first time in Lacul Bucura since the Easter Campaign, when we brought them presents and had a shadow show performance with them. We do not go there as often as in the other centers, because of the weather and hospital policies. We are allowed to work with children only outside, so it has to be good weather in order for us to go there and for the children to be able to join us.

In Lacul, there are children of all ages, from 2 years old, coming along with their mothers, to teenagers, around 15-16 years old. Usually we like to prepare activities that fit all of these ages. For example, one volunteer plays football with the older children and another one makes bracelets or paints with the other kids.

The last time I went there we taught them how to make origami out of colorful napkins, as we did in the flower campaign and we brought coloring papers and watercolor paints. Some of the children gave the flowers to their mothers, which I thought was very sweet!

Here, the children are very energetic and want to do many things, so we make sure we bring fun things for them to do! From them I learned that it is okay to enjoy little things in life instead of waiting for something big to happen! And that we should use creativity and imagination in order for the pain to be transformed into something beautiful! They always inspire me to become a better person.

I can’t wait to go there again, since summer is coming! 🙂

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