Armenian Evening

Seara Armeneasca- Eveniment cultural-artistic organizat de echipa de voluntari A.C.T.O.R, aflati in Serviciul European de Voluntariat al Programului Tineret in Actiune din proiectele, Vouch, Here There si Leave vor prezenta ritualuri, obiceiuri, muzica si dansuri traditionale din Armenia. De asemena va fi si o proiectie de film armenesc.

Evenimentul va avea loc pe care vor pe 19 martie 2014, ora 18:00, la Muzeul Literaturii Romane si este organizat cu sprijinul Rimei Galstyan din Armenia, voluntar al Serviciului European de Voluntariat in A.C.T.O.R.

Armenian Evening – cultural and artistic event organised by the A.C.T.O.R. volunteers. They are currently in their European Voluntary Service of the Youth in Action program and all the team from, Vouch, Here There and Leave are going to present traditional rituals, music and dances from Armenia. There is also going to be an armenian film projection.

The event will take place on the 19th of March 2014, at 6 pm, at the National Museum of Romanian Literature and it has been organised with the help and support of Rima Galstyan, from Armenia, EVS volunteer in A.C.T.O.R.

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