Comentariile participantilor romani la mobilitatea din Portugalia- Parteneriat Grundtvig Inclusion Toolbox

de aici puteti downloada prezentarea power-point despre moblilitatea din Portugalia     primavara portugheza“Am invatat foarte multe lucruri. Pentru inceput , cum putem face terapie prin muzica, culoare, lumina si apa.(stimuli ai simturilor). Aceste lucruri sunt importante oamenilor normali, dar sunt cele mai importante pentru cei cu dizabilitati. Personal, cred ca aceasta metoda ar trebui sa fie peste tot deoarece in fiecare institutie avem nevoie de o camera in care sa ne simtim bine.

  In al doilea rand: “Banca de timp” e o idee foarte buna deoarece suntem multi oameni ocupati, iar cu aceasta idee putem face mai multe lucruri simultan.

In al treilea rand: cum putem aplica calitatile unui individ, in primul rand, pentru dezvoltarea lor si in al doilea rand pentru a face bani pentru un scop nobil. (ACRIL)

In al patrulea rand: cat de mult inseamna prietenia. Acum simt simt ca am o noua familie atat de mare, incat simt ca timpul ar fi stat in loc pentru mine.

Am revenit in tara mandra ca un paun, mandra de ce am invatat si realizat aici pentru ca in unele cazuri  putem spune ca aplicam teoria. am invatat facand si asta e un lucru foarte important.

Am fost in multe proiecte , dar acesta a fost cel mai reusit. Mi-a placut in specialfaptul ca ei au reusit sa combine prezentarea teoretica cu cea practica. Realitatea e mult mai puternica decat teoria.

 Multumesc pentru tot. Va doresc noroc in viitor. Sper sa ne revedem!”


  “I have learned very much things. At first, how we can make therapy trough music, color, light and water. (stimulator of the senses)
 This is  important to the normal people but most important to the disabled people. I think that this method must exist everywhere because in every institution we need one room were one can feel good.

Second: The bank of time is a good idea for everybody because we are a lot of  people and with this idea everybody can do two things at the same time. 

Third: How we can apply the certain qualities of one, firstly for themselves and second, to make some money for noble goal. (ARCIL) 

Fourth: How much it means to have friends.Now  I feel like I have a big new family,like I have been in this place forever. 

I came back to my country proud like a “peacock” , proud of  what I have learned here because in some cases we can say that we apply what we hear in theory. We learned by doing and that is something very important . 

I was in many projects but this one was the best. I really liked the fact that  they succeeded in combining theoretical presentation with practical one. The reality is more powerful than theory.

Related with my work what I saw in Arcil made a strong impact on me. I would like to have this kind of therapy in Romania. To give more chances to people with handicap. The food was also very good, and the Portuguese people are very kind and open!

Thank you very much for everything. I wish you good luck in the future. Hope to meet again!” 


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